Pokémon Stadium 2, known as Pokémon Stadium Kin Gin (“Pokémon Stadium Gold Silver”) in Japan, is a video game for the Nintendo 64. It features all 251 Pokémon from the first and second generations. It was released in North America as simply Pokémon Stadium 2, as it was the second Stadium game to be released there. In Japan, Pokémon Stadium Kin Gin was the third game of the Pokémon Stadium series. The Japanese edition also featured the capability to use the Pokémon Mobile System from Pokémon Crystal which was also released on the same day. This game featured support for all three original Game Boy Pokémon games (Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow) and the three Game Boy Color games (Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal). As in the previous Stadium games, Pikachu from Yellow was a hidden character if the game cartridge was connected. The majority of the game takes place inside the new location White City, where various facilities for battling, organizing, researching, and playing with Pokémon are located. This can be considered to be the Pokémon League for the second generation games. The sequel to the popular Pokémon Stadium features minigames, multiplayer, and league mode.
Japanese Import Video Game
Released in US as Pokemon Stadium 2
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