A very large Gundam from the Novel/Animated movie, “Hathaway’s Flash”, the Penelope has been produced with a new modern design styling supervised by Hajime Katoki. Standing over 9″ tall, it surpases the heigh of most MG models despite being only 1/144 scale, and features a dense substructure layered by many parts. The Penelope can separate from it’s flight unit to it’s original Oddyseus Gundam base form and features beam rifle, shield, and beam sabers. Runner x 20, Stickers, Display stand for Fixed Flight unit, Instruction Manual
The Penelope can separate from its flight unit to its original oddyseus Gundam base form
Features beam rifle, shield, and beam sabers
Runner x 20, stickers, display stand for fixed flight unit, instruction manual
Product bears official Bluefin logo entitling customer service from manufacturer
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