Revolving around the lives of five protagonists who get dragged into a kidnapping case, you must make choices for each character that will undoubtedly alter the story for another, all within a ten-hour period. This creates the possibility of over 90 different endings! with an unconventional palette consisting of text, live action stills, and video sequences to Paint the narrative, 428 provides humor, uniqueness, and much intrigue that will entice you to reach all endings.
Unlike traditional visual novels, the narrative is presented with a palette of different mediums, combining text, live action stills, and video sequences.
Five protagonists. 10 hours. Decisions Made in One character’s story can affect the story of another character in unforeseen ways, culminating in a total of over 90 different endings!
One of the very few titles to ever receive a Perfect score (40/40) from Japanese video game magazine famitsu weekly!
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