In modern day Tokyo, society lives in fear of Ghouls: mysterious creatures who look exactly like humans — yet hunger insatiably for their flesh. None of this matters to Ken Kaneki, a bookish and ordinary young man, until a dark and violent encounter turns him into the first ever Ghoul-human half breed. Trapped between two worlds, Ken must survive the violent conflicts of warring Ghoul factions, while attempting to learn more about Ghoul society, his newfound powers, and the fine line between man and monster. One of the most troublesome and difficult Ghouls to capture, “The Gourmet” Shu Tsukiyama, has proven to be just as smart, and powerful as he is fashionable. Coming from a rich and powerful family that has connections within the government, the calculating Tsukiyama befriends hero Ken Kaneki, but does he truly view him as a friend or a potential feast?.
7-Inch scale collectible action figure sculpted in his purple suit from season 2 of the Tokyo ghoul animated series
Figure includes removable, posable kagune (tentacles), and alternate masked head
Designed with 15 points of articulation for dynamic posing
Featured in a collector edition window box complete with Tokyo ghoul stylized display base
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